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Unfortunately there s no simple answer to this. They re probably not for everyone and i think we need to acknowledge as much to students and to ourselves.

Online Classes Helpful Or Harder Myuvic Life

Are online classes harder than traditional classes.

Are online classes harder. Aside from the hardware and software requirements and learning how to use them simply to attend the course there is the added factor of self discipline to get the work completed. Online courses require a tremendous amount of self discipline and no small amount of academic ability and technical competence. For some reason there is this stigma that online college classes are easier.

Online courses are harming the students who need the most help a single teacher can reach thousands of students in an online course opening up a world of knowledge to anyone with an internet. In college however english is mostly discussion. Opting for online courses over traditional courses is not the easy route for your education.

It s true that online courses offer you the flexibility to learn in your own time and space but that doesn t change the amount of work you put in. Online classes can be as hard as traditional college courses sometimes even more so. All in all i learned that taking an online class can actually be a lot harder than taking a class in person.

A lot goes into determining whether an online class is more or less difficult than its traditional in classroom counterpart. Generally speaking online courses are harder than face to face ones not easier. Put simply the answer is no.

However i also learned that is all about self motivation and self dedication and thank god for starbucks to help get through the due dates of the assignments. Online college classes are as hard as traditional classes. I can see why this argument is often made in person classes require students to attend regularly take closed book tests and complete group projects that involve giving a lengthy presentation at the end of the semester.

Without serious effort or video chats online discussion classes are hard to manage.

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